Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Review for Uncovering Desire by Kacey Shea

Uncovering Desire by Kacey Shea

3 stars
Reviewed by Char for Late Night Books and reviews

Uncovering Desire is book two in a three book series, but can be read as a stand-alone book. Kate and Jon are the two main characters and the story centers on them. Evie is bests friends with both of them. She also shares an investigative agency with Jon. The friendships in the book were done well.

Jon is ex-military and a tough guy. He tries not to show his softer side. The book starts with him a little jealous about his friend Evie’s romance with someone else. He quickly shifts his attentions to their other best friend Kate, who he had known in high school but had lost touch with when he was in the military.

Kate is a party girl who tries to act a lot tougher than she is. Throughout the book, she tries to make people think she is slutty by her actions and the way she speaks and dresses, but then gets upset when Jon calls her out on being that way. They both have major issues and don’t deal with them very well. They are mean to each other but then they are sweet to each other at times. The romance between them seemed a little forced at times and more like lust than love.

I liked the fact that the character was ex-military and had to deal with issues related to his service. I especially liked that one of the character’s had extensive war injuries that did not deter her from having a great life. The writing is a little choppy and some of the character’s actions are a little over the top.

Three STARS * * *

Late Night Books Reviewer Char

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