Thursday, June 9, 2016

Review of Reapers by Ali Winters

Reapers by Ali Winters Reviewed by Late Night Books and Reviews Admin Char

Reapers by Ali Winters is an awesome paranormal/fantasy romance with suspense mixed into the story line. It is told from multiple points of views.

Reapers is the first in the Hunted series, and is about immortals who collect the souls of humans when their energy needs to be recycled and restored. It was a unique concept and I had not previously read any books about grim reapers. You would think it might be a little odd, but these characters are great.

The characters were all well developed and interesting. Nivian is an immortal reaper who has lived a very long time. She is bright, caring, curious, adventurous and funny.  It was entertaining to see her experience new things in the book. A couple of her reactions to things seemed a little reserved but she had no experience with humans.

Kain is a mortal who caught Nivian’s attention. He is strong, compassionate, intelligent, and determined. He is also much more than he had originally thought.  Caspian is the head of the reapers and answers to Silas. He is intense, brave, caring, loves Nivian and does things he feels are right. Silas and Yeva are the original beings and struggle for powers and balance.  It will be interesting to see how they progress in the story line.

This story had a lot of story building and information. I really liked this book and I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series.


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