Monday, March 28, 2016

Author Interview with A K Michaels, Ava

Welcome all.

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing A K Michaels, Ava, author of Guild of Dragon Warriors, Jaxon’s Sanctuary

Hi Ava, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Hi! I live in Scotland, I’m a wife, mum, nana, and probably one of worst wife’s ever as the kitchen is my mortal enemy! I hate to cook! I love chocolate (too much), like a nice Zinfandel wine every now and then, and I adore our German Shepherd pup, Luna, who is coming up to nine months now. She is a little crazy, so she fits in with us just fine! My work background is actually in finance, working in banking industry in Scotland and then in offshore finance when we lived in Cyprus for several years.

What were you like at school?

Shy, and didn’t much like it. I did love education when I went back to it after our youngest child was born.
Were you good at English?

Funnily enough I was! I loved it and if I was asked for a two page essay, I invariably ended up handing in a five or six page one he he.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I’d love to be able to tell my hubs he can become a ‘house husband’ lol. After all, he’d be far better at it than me! Seriously though, I’ve been very fortunate so far and now it’s just a case of me working hard to build my brand and get my stories into the hands of more and more readers.
Which writers inspire you?

Hmm, this is hard, there are many whose books I adore, but inspire? Difficult, but I’d say maybe George R R Martin - boy what an imagination he has!

So, what have you written?

I’ve just released Guild of Dragon Warriors, Jaxon’s Sanctuary which is book 1 in my eighth series. The other books are also Paranormal with suspense, action, and hot heroes and heroines. All of the series have strong Alpha type males, regardless of whether they’re Wolf Shifters, Vamps, or other supernatural beings. I also like to have my female characters as strong, and not always in need of rescuing, although some do require some help. Rose from The Black Rose Chronicles is a very strong young woman and a kickass assassin. If I’m honest, I’m just a little bit jealous of her lol.

Where can we buy or see them?

These are the links for Jaxon -

Amazon multi region link -;jsessionid=BC6CB4D3084FE7F2D5DB2C0F91AF8800.prodny_store01-atgap01?ean=2940152722512

However, all of my books are available on all platforms, like Amazon, iBooks, B & N and Kobo. This is my website which has details of all of my books and links to all retailers. and this is link to my Amazon page -

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?

The main male character in Guild of Dragon Warriors, book one, is Jaxon, who is Master of the Guild. He’s a Dragon Shifter who’s devoted his life to taking care of those in need of the Guild’s protection but he’s in for a heck of a shock when he aids some of his Dragons in a woman’s rescue from Demons. That’s where Sidra comes into things, and she is an extremely unique being. One that everyone thought were extinct. She’s got a smart mouth on her and Jaxon definitely acts like an ass at times which equals a not very smooth path ahead for them!

What are you working on at the minute?

I’m working on book two in the Guild of Dragon Warriors, Terigan’s Trials. This is the story of Terigan, Jaxon’s right hand man, or rather, Dragon. He’s ordered to Scotland for a mission by the Dragon’s Goddess, Zeeandra, and he has no idea why. What he finds when he gets there astounds him and he has more than the mission on his mind, and in his dreams.

What genre are your books?

Paranormal Romance, with suspense, action and a plethora of supernatural beings. I rarely write a book that only has one being in them. There are many different kinds, everything from Shifters to Demons and everything in between. My last two series, The Black Rose Chronicles and Guild of Dragon Warriors are also dystopian, set in an apocalyptic world after an inter-species war that ravaged the earth.

What draws you to this genre?

That’s easy to answer. For me, it’s because I can truly let my imagination run wild without the constraints of having humans as the characters. The only limitation is my own mind, and I rarely constrict that. I let it go completely free so that anything is possible, and probable.

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?

Oh gosh this is hard!! Okay, for Jaxon I think Hugh Jackman would be ideal!
How much research do you do?

It depends, as most of my worlds/places are strictly from my own imagination I don’t tend to have to research those. However, I’ve had to get information on things like private jets and stuff like that for some of my books. I spent hours figuring out which one would be ideal for what I needed. I also had to research some Wicca ceremonies, especially for a Handfasting in one of my books. Luckily I had a friend who pointed me in the right direction regarding that.

Have you written any other novels in collaboration with other writers?

I’ve not written in a collaboration, but I’ve been part of a few anthologies. One of which made the New York Times Bestseller list and we donated all monies to the Epilepsy Foundation.

When did you decide to become a writer?

I didn’t really decide as such. It was my therapist who urged me to write out the stories in my head that I would talk about. It took quite some prodding, but I finally sat down to type those first words, and jeez, once I started I couldn’t stop. It was a while after that that I allowed one of my daughters and my sister to read what I’d written and they loved it and kept saying I needed to do something with them. That’s when I started to think that, yes, I could publish.

Why do you write?

Mainly because I love it! But also to get the words and stories out of my head. Every time I finish a story I think, I’ll have a wee break, but dang, then another one pops into my head and if I don’t write it out it gives me a headache!

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

As above

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Full-time. I now work at least ten to twelve hours a day, sometimes more, but it’s not all writing. It’s everything else that goes with being an author. Like liaising with my ‘cover girls’, promoting, editing, having skype calls with my editor who lives in the US, deciding what swag I want made, takeovers, and a host of other stuff. I have very busy days, seven days a week.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

First thing I do is have strong black coffee lol. Then I do my emails, answer messages etc, then I check calendar to see what I’ve got on that day, and once I’ve done that I try and do some housework (boring I know but it’s gotta be done) and then I’ll sit down and write.

Do you write every day, 5 days a week or as and when?

It depends on what other stuff I have going on. Sometimes I write seven days a week, other weeks not as often, it really varies week to week. But I work seven days, even if it’s not writing.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

Nope, when I’m writing I just ‘go with the flow’ and see where it takes me. Sometimes I hammer out a ton of words, others not so much as I stop and ponder a possible change in the storyline etc.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?

I’ve got joint problems, so old style typewriter, or longhand is out for me. I have a second hand laptop that I use. This is the second in three years, as I type so much that the keyboard takes a hammering and the letters start to fall off lol.

Where do your ideas come from?

Sometimes a character comes into my head while writing another story, one that I might be wanting to add to that story, but then it blossoms in my head and I realize that nope, it’s a brand new story beginning in my head.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

I’m not a planner in any way, shape or form when it comes to writing. I sit and type, and sometimes am surprised at what appears on the screen lol.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

I do like peace and quiet when writing and I help our daughters with childcare and so there are days when it’s impossible to have that silence I crave lol. I tend to do other things when I’ve got the munchkins.

What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

Well, in a moment of weakness I agreed with hubs to put our house on the market! Insanity! So the stress of that, together with people traipsing around to view, was very trying for me. I like my own space and having strangers walking around was pretty upsetting for me. So, I had to try and juggle that and get Jaxon ready for release at the same time. I’ll make sure never to do that ever again lol.

What is the easiest thing about writing?

I usually have the ideas for the story already in my head before typing them out. So the concept/storyline is there, just needs to be typed out.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

That depends on everything else that is going on in my life. I can write very fast when I have the time to do so. I was once set a challenge and I wrote one of my books within two weeks.

Do you ever get writer’s Block?

Not writer’s block, but sometimes I’ve got to take a step back and think on things, if a character decides to do something I wasn’t actually expecting lol.

If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?

Yes, Guild of Dragon Warriors, Jaxon’s Sanctuary, is book one in my new series. It’s about the Dragon Warriors who pledge their lives to their Goddess, Zeeandra, in protecting anyone who needs their help. It follows their lives, loves, and battles. Each book will be focused on one Warrior, both male and female, with catch ups of others throughout the stories.

What are your thoughts on writing a book series?

I love them. I have eight now, some are trilogies, others like The Highland Wolf Clan, are longer.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors.

I barely have time nowadays, but I do read for a wee while in bed at night. I’ve got quite a few favorites! I love Eden Elsworth, Monica La Porta, Tracey Jackson and I also adore Nav Logan’s epic fantasy series!

For your own reading, do you prefer eBooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

I had a kindle from the moment they were available to buy. Mainly because with my joint problems, holding a physical book hurts, so ebooks all the way for me.

Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

Oh no, I have a team of support who I pay. I’m not an electrician so I wouldn’t do anything electrical myself, I’d hire someone who knew what they were doing. I look on editing, cover design, and proofreading in the same way.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?

Nope, as soon as I’ve finished I do a quick run through myself, then I send it to my team of Beta readers. Once I get it back from them I then send onto my editor.

Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?

My editor is a wonderful lady called Missy Borucki. I’ve worked with Missy for quite a while now and we have a great working relationship. She never tries to stifle ‘my voice’ in my books, but, if she thinks something isn’t working, or is just ‘wrong’, then she and I will discuss it and I have to admit, she’s usually right lol.
Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.

My ‘cover girls’ are Rebecca and Angel from the Sassy Queens of Design. They’re members of my street team, and a while ago, way back when I was releasing Supernatural Enforcement Bureau, book 1, I was badly let down by a designer. As Becca and Angel had been making me teasers etc, I set them a challenge to make me a cover. They were a little shocked, I think, at me asking, but they rose to the challenge and gave me a gorgeous cover. Now I wouldn’t look anywhere else for anything image related and they are super patient with me if I have any wee niggling queries. They now have a thriving business doing covers, banners, bookmark designs, and a host of other image related items. They’re the ones who also make my trailers - they are super talented!

Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?

Yes, I firmly believe it does. As authors we are selling a ‘product’ i.e. our book, and the first thing people see on any site is the cover, so a professional and eye-catching cover is, in my opinion, crucial.

How are you publishing this book and why?

I’m an Indie. With my OCD issues I couldn’t hand over any of the autonomy regarding my stories. I like to be able to release when I want, have the cover I want, use editor I want. I don’t do well with being told how to do things lol.

What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?

Apart from being able to decide everything like cover, release date, etc, the other main thing is that if I’m successful then I earn the money made. I doubt I’d be happy handing over a chunk of my hard earned cash to someone else.

How do you market your books?

I have a Street Team who help get the word out about my books, and I use events online to hopefully reach new readers. I also use some sites to promote my books throughout the year.

Would you or do you use a PR agency?

I would. In fact I’ve recently contacted one and hoping that things will go smoothly and help get my books more well known.

Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?

It’s just plain hard work. If a site is asking for money to promote your book, don’t just hand it over, go and talk to other authors and see if there’s a good return on using the site. Some ask to be paid but their return is abysmal so it’s not worth it. Word of mouth with other authors is always a good place to start to find out best places to use.

What part of your writing time do you devote to marketing your book?

I’ve no idea, probably quite a bit, but I can’t put a figure or percentage on it.

What do you do to get book reviews?

I have a Reader’s Group who get ARCs of my books in return for leaving reviews. I love my Minxes! Also, sometimes I do giveaways on my authorpage with a signup form with a free ebook in exchange for a review.

How successful has your quest for reviews been so far?

Not too bad. Highland one has over 200 reviews and Jaxon has over 50 so far, and it was only released last week.

Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

People that ask to join my readers group have to have read and reviewed at least one or two of mine already. I have two of my girls, Sue and Nicola, who look after the Minxes for me and screen anyone wanting to join.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews?

Good reviews are obviously great!! Bad - well nobody likes a bad review, but I’m aware that you can’t please everyone.

What’s your views on social media for marketing?

I think it’s a great way to get your books out there. I use FB a lot but I’m terrible at using other platforms, mainly because I simply don’t have the time to do them all. If I did then I’d get no writing done at all.

Which social network worked best for you?

Definitely Facebook, for me anyway.

Any tips on what to do and what not to do?

I tend to be professional at all times on FB. My authorpage is a reflection of my business and I approach it the same way I approach any business dealings, with dignity and professionalism. My page is definitely a ‘No Drama’ zone lol.

Did you get interviewed by local press/radio for your book launch?

Oh, this is top secret, but I’ve recently been asked to do an interview for The Scots Magazine which has over 240,000 subscribers from all over the World! I’m still in shock, and just waiting to finalize date etc.

Why do you think that other well written books just don’t sell?

To be honest I’ve asked myself this question many times and I have no idea, I think a lot of it is just pure luck! I’ve read books that are fabulous but the author doesn’t get many sales etc, and when I can I’ll post on my page about the books to tell others just how good they are.

What do you think of “trailers” for books?

I’ve got a few trailers for my series, and my girls, Becca and Angel, are working on new one for Dragon. I love them!

Do you have a trailer or do you intend to create one for your own book/s?

I’ve got trailers for previous book series and the girls are working on one for this new series.

Do you think that giving books away free works and why?

Yes, I do. I’ve given away literally thousands of books via giveaways and many times the winners will contact me to tell me how much they enjoyed the book and had bought the rest in series. Also, I have the first book in four of my series free, and I see ‘through sales’ every month because of that. A free book will entice someone who will download a book if it’s an author they don’t know, whereas they might not want to fork out money for someone they’ve never read before. Plus, for me, it’s a way to reward readers for their support.

Did you format your own book?

Up until recently I did all my own formatting. However, from the previous series, The Black Rose Chronicles, and this one, I wanted some nice fancy images as chapter headings, section breaks etc. If I had the time I would probably have figured it out lol, but I don’t so I hired someone to do for me.

In what formats is your book available?

Mobi, Epub, paperback, available on all sites.

If formatted by someone else, how did you select them and what was your experience?

I checked out other books formatted by them and when I saw what I liked I contacted them. It’s Casey from Fancypants Formatting, and she’s amazing! She’s also very patient and understanding!

How do you relax?

????? Oh wait I’ll need to go look that up in the dictionary lol. Seriously, I catch up on some TV programmes in the evening, play with Luna, chat with hubs etc. Oh, and eat chocolate!

What is your favorite book and why?

It has to be Enid Blyton’s Famous Five as those are the books that got me hooked on reading as a child.

What is your favorite quote?

Mine lol - Live, Love, Read!

Where can you see yourself in 5 years from now?

Hmm, maybe I’ll have secured a film deal from Spielberg!

What is your favorite movie and why?

Too many to choose lol, I loved Ghost and anything else with Patrick Swayze in it. I also love action and sci fi films like Terminator, Mad Max etc.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be strong, you will make it.

Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?

George R R Martin! Oh and Spielberg! Maybe I could browbeat him into submission lol.

If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

Oh my gosh. Has to be Game of Thrones! I freaking love it!

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Stay focused, strong, and have a thick skin. Treat writing like any other business, your books are your product, and they deserve to be the best possible so that means hiring a good editor, cover designer etc.

Where do you see publishing going in the future?

I’m not really sure. There’s rumors galore around at the moment, but they’re that, rumors. Although one I’m excited about is that FB might allow us to sell directly!

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

My thanks to you, I really appreciate you taking the time to help authors.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?

Facebook: Twitter: Amazon Author Page:
Amazon multi region link -;jsessionid=BC6CB4D3084FE7F2D5DB2C0F91AF8800.prodny_store01-atgap01?ean=2940152722512

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