Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Review of The Secrets of Dargon (The Shrouded Kingdom Chronicles Book 2) By Ciara Knight

The Secrets of Dargon (The Shrouded Kingdom Chronicles Book 2) By Ciara Knight


4 Stars
Reviewed by Char for Late Night Books and Reviews

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

The second book in the Shrouded Kingdom Chronicles continues the story two years after the first book ended. This book centers on Saldor, a seasoned warrior from the first book and his lost love Marseha, who had taken refuse at Dargon Castle from the witch burnings in Gremdon when the Elders took control of the realm.

Marseha’s refuge at Dargon Castle was short-lived due to the extreme power struggle between the wicked Queen and the evil Elders. The Queen sends Marseha on a quest to find the chosen warrior who could save their castle from the Elders who were about to unleash a horrible beast that would destroy all of the kingdoms in the realm. She set off with her trusted friend to search for this chosen warrior who turned out to be her lost love, Saldor.

All Saldor wants is to protect the kingdoms from the evil elders and their dark magic and to find his lost love Marseha. He trains the citizens of Gremdon to protect their land and also in hopes that they will help him in his quest to free other kingdoms from the Elders. He sets off to find Marseha and is surprised to find her in the dark forest. She convinces him to return to her lands to fight, but along the way, he suspects his true love of treachery.

The world-building and scenery are done very well in this novel. I really like the romance between Saldor and Marseha.

Saldor is a complicated character. He is strong, kind, determined and steadfast, but then he is also, set in his ways and jealous. He had lost his family and his love when the Elders took control, which caused him to harden a bit. I loved that he loved Marseha and that no one would ever take her place. I also loved that he is fiercely loyal to his friends.

Marseha is a powerful witch that the Queen took a special interest in. She shares a connection with the queen and is somewhat controlled by her. She had a difficult life and that caused her to become a little bitter. She never stopped loving Saldor. She’s also untrusting and secretive. I still do not know how I feel about Risme, Marseha’s friend. Her character was abrasive, secretive, calculating and distant, but then seemed nice at the end.

This book had a good story-line and a few plot twists that added depth to the story. I was left with a few questions that I felt were not answered completely, but they could be answered in additional novels in the series. I liked the book and the series.

Four Stars * * * *

Late Night Books Reviewer Char

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