After August by Angela March
4 stars
Reviewed by Patricia
I am reviewing this book for Late Night Books and Reviews.
I was pulled into Kiera's story from the very first page, a horrendous burn victim who has hidden from the world for seven years. Her vulnerability and yet at the same time, her strengths, made me feel sadness and yet great admiration for this young woman who had suffered so badly and who's hurt was so deep.
Once the story moved along and Kiera left her safe haven to live with her aunt's family I felt that the story changed drastically The story slowed down rather severely at this point, making me lose interest a little, but I stuck at it and eventually the action picked up again and so held my interest once more. Her vindictive, spoiled brat of a cousin did not make life easy for Kiera. This girl had some major personality problems and I rather felt as if I was reading a teenage angst YA story. The entire family has some pretty dysfunctional aspects which isn't conducive to Kiera's recovery.
Mix in several males who are attracted to Kiera which engenders problems from the sexually dominant cousin as she also wants them, naturally, while resenting their attraction to her cousin.
The last few sections of the book brought some surprises and some powerfully distressing events but can love conquer all? Will Kiera find closure to her problems and live a normal life with the one man she loves? When the book was finished, I was left with the overall feeling that I had actually just read an amazing story. This being the second book that I have read of Ms March, I was very pleasantly surprised and would recommend this one, unreservedly.
There were some typo, grammatical and spelling errors in this one too so I have to assume that Ms March does not employ a proof reader / editor which is a shame because it really does detract from the story. Thus the subtraction of one star. Nevertheless, as I have said, a good story with some depth.
Late Night Books Reviewer Patricia
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