Sunday, April 17, 2016

Review of Mr & Mrs Rush by Angela March

Mr & Mrs Rush by Angela March


3 stars
Reviewed by Patricia

I was asked to review this book for Late Night Books and Reviews.

I am sorely torn to know how to review this book. It is described as a dark erotic book which is partly true and yet not truly so. It is say the least, readers will find themselves rushing off to find their B,O,Bs several times while reading this very, very hot book. I would even go so far as to say that I would doubt even a dozen pages out of the 451 have other actions besides sex. Dark ? Perhaps a little in the fact that Clover, the wife, was not completely happy with what she was doing, despite being totally turned on by it all. To paraphrase a much used phrase of late, perhaps a slightly darker shade of grey, rather than 'dark',

A young wife, very much in love with her handsome husband with a healthy sex life when he suddenly becomes addicted to several fetishes persuading her to go along with it as she loves him unreservedly.

If you are looking for a titillating, extremely sexual story then this is definitely the book for you, no holds barred, no actions taboo, and exhibitionism to please even the most jaded. Would you go along with your husband's desires to be watched as he used your body sexually? I leave you to make that decision, Clover made hers and even enjoyed it, much to her surprise.

As I've said a very, very sexual, hot read that will entertain and titillate, not a lot of story, but an interesting snapshot of a marriage with all of it's trials and tribulations.

Now for why I am torn with this review.....I hate to have to say it as the author has obviously put a lot of time and energy into this book, but the typos, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and even a lack of spaces between words is a disaster! I was also amazed at how many times the author changed tenses within a single sentence! I am a proof reader and editor for several authors and this is all that was needed for this book! If the author had read through the book after typing it out, or had a friend check it through I am certain that half of the errors would have been fixed, but it is painfully obvious here that no-one ever checked the book after the first draft. If an editor or proof reader checked this manuscript before publication then the author must demand an immediate refund and fire the staff !!

It is a great shame when someone takes the time and ingenuity to write a book yet doesn't use the expertise of a good proof reader or editor to smooth out the faults. Not a single page is devoid of multiple errors. As the old expression goes, the ship was sunk for want of a halfpenny worth of tar! All that effort wasted, because all the reader will remember is the many, many errors that are not endearing and are very, very annoying. There is a feeling of betrayal when one has paid good money for a book to be distressed by such poor writing skills. There is more to telling a story than simply an idea and publishing it. I really do feel a little sad to say that this is absolutely the worst publishing aptitude that I have ever read, with apologies to the author.

Late Night Books Reviewer Patricia

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