Saturday, June 3, 2017

Review of Cupid's Essence by J. Thompson

Cupid's Essence by J. Thompson

3 stars
Reviewed by Dawn

This was a delightful romp once it started moving. I was given an ARC for an honest review, and I found the story to be sweet. Belinda is an introverted librarian who collects perfume bottles as a hobby. Her collection is expansive and kept under lock and key for its worth. Mike is her neighbor across the street, who works in a garage and plays rugby as his hobby. Though quite intelligent, he has a stutter that holds him back a bit. The two have been watching each other with the love starved crush look since she first moved into the home. But both are shy to say anything about their actual feelings. In comes Cupid to bungle things up with a perfume bottle of his tears, the very essence of what makes him who he is. Belinda wear it starts a roller coaster of trouble even she wasn't looking for, with men chasing after her and disrupting the only relationship she really wants...the one with Mike. And when Cupid's wife finds out what he's been up to, things really come to a head.

The story starts very slow for about the first third of the book, and I had some real trouble getting into it. When Cupid and Mike finally enter the picture, it begins to pick up and ends with a rather exciting splash. However, I found several inconsistencies in the story, and it could use a good edit. I had some trouble getting into the read at the beginning. I thought perfume bottle collecting was a unique obsession and actually liked that aspect of the novel, besides the idea that it played right into Cupids hands. However, I don't think things needed to move at quite the snail's pace that the story began with. Since this is not this author's first published work, I expected it to be more polished.A good editor would help the author to correct the inconsistencies and could possibly help her repair the slow moving beginning to a story that gets pretty exciting toward the end. Overall, I thought it was a good concept and a decent story.

The Magic of Books Reviewer Dawn

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