Monday, April 17, 2017

Review of Fated by Ednah Walters

Reviewed by The Magic of Books Blog Admin, Char Webster

Fated, A Mystic Academy Novella by Ednah Walters is another great addition to the Runes Series.

Fated is a side story that centers on Lana Longhorn and her siblings. Lana was born with the ability, or curse as she sees it, to make people to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets, so she hides herself away as much as possible. Her siblings each have their own powers that they are struggling to deal with.

Syn Shabaka, a sexy soul reaper from Hel, shakes up Lana’s life as he tries to learn her secrets while hiding one of his own. He tempts and challenges her at every turn, causing her to reevaluate everything she has been taught about immortals, reapers and runes.

This is an entertaining novella that left me wanting more of the story. Syn and Lana had good chemistry and I loved seeing a playful side to Syn. I liked him in other books, but I got to know him more and loved what I read about him in this book.

Echo (total hottie Grimnir from previous books) made a quick appearance and I LOVED it. Runes books are not complete without at least one Echo visit.

I can’t wait for the next book in this side story. I need more from Lana and her siblings.
Five Stars * * * * *

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