Sunday, April 23, 2017

Review of Out of The Storm by J.B. McGee

Out of The Storm by J.B. McGee


4 stars
Reviewed by Donna

Out of the Storm was a good book written by J.B. McGee. A new author for me and who doesn’t love a new author!!!!!! I loved how the story just took off from the very beginning! Jules and Theo were quite the main characters to a busy story full of romance and intrigue. I liked that it was a bit unbelievable and believable at the same time.

I think I liked Theo the best! He was tall, sexy, rich with big heart who wanted to take care of everyone. I liked him for this story. I think he was good for his leading lady.

Jules, I found harder to like. It seemed she had her head in clouds. She no idea what was going until someone pretty much smacked her with it so to speak!

The characters were well written! Charlie and Jake were other good characters for this story! Charlie was described as the perfect slimy bully who had a goal to accomplish one way or another. Jake, he was hardcore and not someone to mess around with.

The pace of the story slowed down when it got more complicated after Jules left Theo’s apartment. I think the story was balance with romance and mystery to keep me reading from one page to another. I wanted to find out how deep the trouble in this little story really went.

I am giving the story 4 stars. I think it was well written with good characters. The pace seemed to be ok. It unbelievable and unbelievable at the same time as I already said. I will have to check out the author’s other stories!!!!!

The Magic of Books Reviewer Donna

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