Sunday, April 23, 2017

Review of Something Blue by Kristy Nicolle

Something Blue by Kristy Nicolle


5 stars
Reviewed by Jenna

All I can say is wow! This book is so well written. I love the characters and the futuristic dystopian setting. I love the descriptions the Author used. I felt like the characters were well developed. Valentine at times made me want to rip my hair out at how pouty and whinny she was. But she makes up for it with her quick wit and forward attitude. Clark, what to say about Clark. He is kind of an ass but I myself love the "bad ass" "bad attitude" type of guys. So of course I fell in love with him from the get go! I really liked watching this couple grow to care for one another. I think if you like Romance you will love this book. If you like Dystopian books you will NOT be disappointed with this book! It really is a MUST read

The Magic of Books Admin Jenna

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